Tuesday, June 19, 2012

The Beginning

Hello! I titled this first post as The Beginning. It really isn't the beginning of my journey but a beginning to this blog. I have been dealing with weight loss ever since our third child was born, 13 years ago. I have had four children since (plus a missed miscarriage at 18 weeks) and each time I'd keep it under control, but not neccessarily conquered. Our youngest will be four years old the end of this summer. Unless the Lord has further plans, we are done with having children.

Last year I was down to 139 pounds. Here I am now, almost 20 pounds heavier. I had started started talking of this process on my regular blog but I really wanted to get more into what I am wanting to do here. I wanted this to be a place dedicated just to weight loss and keep my other blog less cluttered with so many topics.

The last time I weighed, I was 157. I have digestive problems that I battle in which makes true weight sometimes hard to register. This is where I am now. Still, I hope to have weigh ins on Fridays. I chose Friday because, if truth be told, usually my worst days for eating and exercise is on the weekends. So, Mondays usually look pretty bad and Fridays not so much. Of course, in the end, it's how it comes full circle. I am really glad of that because bouncing up and down is part of the plan...a few pounds down, a pound up. This is how it works. This is true life.

I know I will not always be good but, you know, this is life. I don't like  to do anything that I just cannot maintain.. Yes, life is full of details and hard work that makes it hard to take care of one's self properly. Still it does need to be priority. Not having health as a priority can carry over to other parts of my life and this is when the true problem begins.

So, beginning today I hope to share things such as I what I hope to do to lose of which sometimes changes with gained knowledge and mood. Please do no look to me to be a mentor because as you will see, that won't work, as I am a slllloooowwww loser. I have NEVER lost weight fast. Never.
While I have admire those that do, it's not me. I had thought that if I joined Weight Watchers, perhaps I could lose it faster. Still, anyone that knows me also knows that I am too frugal for that. I am stubborn and would rather do this on my own.

Oh, and that comes to something else. When I lose, it is always on a low budget. Yes, you can lose weight on a low budget. There are some healthy foods out there that are good for you and not that expensive.

Okay, so that's that! I'll post again soon to explain what I usually do to drop a pound or so, here and there. :D

1 comment:

  1. Love the new blog!!! I'm sure it will be an inspiration to many!!
