Tuesday, June 26, 2012

6/26/12 950 Net calories

oatmeal w/ stevia and butter spray     150
chips                                                   75
ham sandwich                                    175
pixy sticks   (7sticks)                           60
chicken                                                90
broccoli casserole                               250
rice and gravy I1c.rice, 1/4c. gravy)    130
sliced tomato and cucumber                  50
roll                                                        60
watermelon (1cup)                                50
sweet tea                                             100
TOTAL: 1190

bike 13 minutes                         - 40 calories
treadmill 32 minutes, 1.53 mile, - 200 calories


  1. Yeah!!!! Looks like you've had a really good day.


  2. You did great! Not a lot of calories but it all sounds yummy!!
