Thursday, July 19, 2012

Starting Over

I have good and bad news. The bad news is, I fell off the wagon. The main reason being that I just didn't have much in the house that was healthy for me. The good news is, I bought some goodies today! Let's just hope that tomorrow morning isn't too bad. I do think I will be up a bit but with dedication I do hope that I will go down, down, down beginning next week.
Here's some items that I hope will help me out a lot.

frozen stir fry vegetables
various frozen vegetables
cooking spray
bell pepper
plantain (I hope to make my own plantain chips)
cilantro (mmm...homemade salsa)
fat free milk (gag. I have to chug a cold glass of milk. Now, if I had cookies to go with.... I know, I know!)
licorice Twizzlers
sugar free gum
light ranch dressing
raisin bran
coconut oil
home canned green beans
light cream cheese
sugar free drink mix
sugar free gelatin
canned fruit (in light syrup)

Some of this list I did have and some I bought. Hopefully what I bought will last a few week or it's back to the same old, same old. It is hard to buy diet treats for you and then buy other things to compensate to the children. I won't buy things for me if the children can't have it- or an alternative. I know that I will eat some normal food but maybe there can be more of a balance now.

Beginning today I am really trying to space out mini meals. I really wanted to get on the treadmill this morning but I was dragging this morning. Normally I get up by 5am and I got up and fell back to sleep on the couch until 6am. I was bummed to have lost at least an hour of precious time...


  1. I'm proud of you Susan! Dont know if this helps you or not, but in the last 4 yrs, I lost 100 LBS. Yep, you read that right. *100* In this journey, I learned that its 90 % food and 10% exercise to be successful. Healthy food, not man made "diet" stuff, water....Lots o water, and some exercise. Your list looks like you are definantly ready for sucess! I agree from a financial standpoint that buying different kinds of food for 1-2 people and then again for some others will not work long term. I've read your posts. I know ya'll already eat alot of veggies and fruit and drink water. You are fully prepared to do this! Maybe you just need to know you're not doing this alone :D


  2. Heather, thank you so much for your encouragement! Did you ever document your journey online by a blog or anything? You're story is amazing and I am so proud of you! Blessings to you,

  3. Heather,

    *Your* story is amazing. Not "you're" story. It was early when I posted that. :D sorry!

  4. Your list looks good! How are you eating the stir fry veggies? Hope things pick up for you! :)

  5. April,
    I stir fry them with meat/chicken a lot of times for supper along with soy or teryaki sauce. For lunch, I will just stir fry them in a skillet with a tad of soy sauce and eat it just like that. A little chicken would be good with it then too, for some protein.
    I hope things pick up too but if I just lose .8 a week, that is over 3 pounds a month...36 pounds a year. I'd be way past goal in 5 months at this rate. :D That's by Christmas! :D

  6. April, while thinking on this, I did remember that I sometimes zap the veggies in the microwave as well.
