A lot of times people assume just because you have food that may not be so good for you that you are cheating. This is not always so. This is an absolute lifestyle with a bonus! Once reaching your goal weight, you can have a boost in your lifestyle with a few more added calories. Nice!
So, when we go skating this Friday night and I have a slice...or two of pizza, it is a planned treat. This does not mean that I'm failing. I am preparing for it. Being on a diet does not mean deprivation. It simply means eating MOSTLY healthier foods and cutting MOSTLY back. Life goes on and it's good to live it! I'll have fun with friends and family and lose the weight because this is life.
*** Calorie Tidbit: Do you know how many calories is in one slice of Little Caesar's cheese pizza? Look below for the answer.
If you guessed 250 then you'd be correct! There's 280 for a slice of pepperoni.
You are doing great!!!! There is no such thing as "cheating" in my book. You know what works for you and have to do that and be ok with it when it may not match up with someone else idea or expierence. Telling yourself "no" is one thing b/c you have a plan of attack to get the results you want. Never letting yourself have a day off the regular schedule will frustrate you in the long run. Keep up the good work Susan!
I agree! Hope you're doing good on your new way of living and eating!